OSEPP LM35 Temperature Sensor Module for Arduino
The LM35 temperature sensor module is perfect for a variety of weather detection applications, including home automation and weather monitoring. It uses the LM35 integrated circuit, known for its precision and ease of use, with direct Celsius output for reliable temperature measurements.
Key Features:
- Operating Voltage: 4V to 30V
- Signal Output: Linear +10mV/°C scale factor
- Accuracy: ±0.5°C at +25°C
- Temperature Range: -55°C to +150°C
- Calibrated Directly in °C (Centigrade)
- Breakout Board for Easy Arduino Interfacing
- Pinout:
- GRD (-)
- VCC (+)
- S-Signal
- Low-cost solution due to wafer-level trimming
- Ideal for remote applications
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